Style Guide

To ensure consistency in our online and printed communications, IFLA has chosen a style guide for ready reference.

  1. IFLA prefers British English spelling.
  2. Certain common words (based on the Guardian Style Guide) have become familiar enough to write as one word:
    1. email (not e-mail),
    2. website,
    3. online,
    4. homepage (*)
  3. For other common words in use, editorial and so on, we refer you to the same Guardian Style Guide.
  4. For additional advice on writing style in general, see the The Economist Style Guide.
  5. We use the Internet (starting with the definite article and then a capital "I"), as opposed to 'an internet'. (Also see #6 below.)
  6. For those writing IFLA policy documents, see the UN Editorial Manual Online.

We also ask that you refrain from referring to your IFLA Section by its "section number." This is an outmoded practice.

(*) Homepage

This term can refer to:

  • the start page of a web browser,
  • a personal web page or even website (this use comes from the early days of the Web),
  • the main screen of a software application or mobile device,
  • and the first page of a website.

We prefer and advise to use "front page", not "homepage", to refer to the first page of a website.